8 Plumbing Considerations to Know Before Starting Your Bathroom Renovations

Mradula Shet
3 min readJun 15, 2021

A bathroom renovation is a long-held dream most homeowners hold. The dream generally consists of changing the lightings, sinks, cabinetry, colors, and styles, and perhaps even the bathtub.

Most dreams, however, are without plumbing considerations, which can end up with your going out of budget because of it. You can avoid this by keeping the following plumbing considerations in mind before starting your bathroom renovation.

1. Should the plumbing be visible or hidden?

It’s your new bathroom design that helps you decide if you want exposed or hidden plumbing. Generally, a vintage or industrial style bathroom needs exposed plumbing. Bathrooms with a modern or minimalist style look best with hidden plumbing.

2. Does the shower, toilet, bath, or sink need moving?

If it does, then sometimes even a tiny change may end up in a more extensive renovation. It’s because the piping may need changing, and in some cases, even the walls may need moving.

That’s why it’s better to consult your plumber first if you have plans of moving any plumbing features. It’s based on their suggestions that you can change the design and budget if necessary.

3. Did you check your drainage diagram?

You can get a diagram of your home’s drainage diagram from the local Council. It shows you the location of your plumbing and drainage and if it’s up to date. Knowing the spot helps avoid any accidental hitting of water lines during the bathroom renovation.

And if you do relocate the pipes, update the changes in the diagram for future reference.

4. What is the available plumbing access?

There are two types of plumbing access for more houses- plumbing access from underneath OR above the house.

Houses on stumps generally have plumbing access from under the house. In this case, it’s easier to move waste points and pipes.

However, there is so much more work involved if the access to plumbing is from above. You will have to cut the timber floor, relocate the waste points and pipes, and repair the flooring.

5. Do you want to move your toilet?

Moving the toilet is something that you shouldn’t do based on the following aspects:

· P trap and screw pan toilets should remain on the external wall after the renovation

· S trap toilets with a concrete slap require cutting of the concrete and termite treatment

· S trap toilets with timber floors require cutting or relocating from under the house

6. Do you need a permit?

You don’t generally require a permit in case of minor renovations. However, you will need building and plumbing access if you are moving internal walls and building an extension for the new bathroom.

7. How big are the drains?

Most new construction projects use the industry-standard 1.5-inch drain. However, hair and debris can, with time, narrow the drains. Plumbers generally advise upgrading to a 2-inch drain during the bathroom renovation. The additional costs aren’t much, and you end up saving on maintenance costs in the long run.

8. Are there bathroom pipes running along an exterior wall?

Don’t forget the external pipes on your walls as they are prone to get affected by elements. It’s not much of a problem if you live someplace that’s not so cold.

However, it’s always better to insulate these external pipes and protect them from the harsh elements. Your plumber will be able to help you with this.

There’s so much more involved with a bathroom remodel or renovation than style and fixtures. You need to remember these plumbing considerations because incomplete or inadequate plumbing can lead to short and long-term issues. These plumbing issues will later cost you so much more time and money to rectify.



Mradula Shet

Content Writer | Landing page copywriter | Funnels | Influencer through words | Converting copy